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TITLE:    Special Education Administrator




The Special Education Administrator will hold a Type 75 General Administrative Certificate with either Type 03, Type 09 or Type 10 teacher certificate with an endorsement in one or more areas of special education or an equivalent Illinois Professional Educator License with a General Administrative endorsement and endorsements in one or more areas of special education.


Director of Special Education endorsement is preferred but not required.


Must have valid driver’s license and access to a reliable, insured vehicle to drive between Member Districts or have other reliable means of transportation to drive between the Member Districts.





  1. Supervises and coordinates all SASED programs and staff assigned to Member


  1. Directs the implementation of management/personnel policies, procedures, rules and

     practices within designated Member District(s).

  1. Demonstrates leadership in working collaboratively as a member of the

     administrative team in local district and SASED in promoting the mission and goals

     of the organization, in guiding the delivery of services, and in taking initiative.



REPORTS TO:   Director of Special Education and Local District Superintendent




  1. Provide leadership and assist Director in developing comprehensive program plans

     within designated Member District(s).

  1. Assess current status of program and determine program needs.
  2. Formulate goals, objectives, strategies based on identified needs and develop an

     implementation plan based on objectives and strategies.

  1. Formulate an evaluation plan.
  2. Provide leadership and assist Director in implementing newly planned programs

     within designated Member District(s).

  1. Determine program priorities and an orderly plan of action.
  2. Delegate responsibilities to others in accordance with their skills.
  3. Implement staff in-service programs.
  4. Monitor the program and evaluate the results.

10.Provide effective leadership of assigned ongoing programs within designated

     Member District(s).

11.Respond promptly and appropriately to requests for assistance.

12.Cooperate with other SASED staff to achieve goals.

13.Monitors correct completion of all IEPs, ensuring that the IEPs are linked to the

     Common Core Standards and that FAPE is provided in the least restrictive

     environment.  (Special Education Administrator will coordinate and

     participate in IEP meetings and annual reviews as needed and will

     facilitate the compilation of documentation for student records.)

14.Assist in the continuity of comprehensive programs and services.

15.Provide supervision and leadership of program personnel within designated Member


16.Participate in interviewing and employment decisions.

17.Participate in assignment and scheduling of staff.

18.Observe and evaluate program personnel.

19.Recommends corrective action concerning assigned SASED staff job performance.

20.Recommends dismissal and continued employment of assigned SASED staff.

21.Assist in maintaining and updating personnel files of assigned SASED staff.

22.Recommend training of new personnel, substitutes, and volunteers.

23.Works with staff in assessment of personnel relating to staff development needs.

24.Plan, organize and preside over program meetings on a regular scheduled basis

     within Member District(s).

25.Collaborates with special and general education staff and parents regarding student

     progress, behavioral and academic intervention, functional analysis, behavior plans,

     referral process, and IEP related concerns.

26.Assist the Director in determining staff development needs and facilitate the

     implementation of staff development goals within Member District(s).

27.Ascertain staff development needs through needs assessment activities.

28.Implement staff development activities by providing assistance in the selection of

     topic, presenter, materials, meeting dates and places, and estimation of cost.

29.Assist in the development of individual performance improvement plans.

30.Provide staff with information about available activities and resources.

31.Assist in evaluating staff assigned to designated Member District(s) according to

     established personnel policies.

32.Orients staff to the policies, procedures and philosophy of the cooperative.

33.Complete state and local evaluation procedures.

34.Assist in development of staff improvement plans.

35.Provide written reports of evaluation findings to the Director as necessary.

36.Serve as liaison between school system and community as well as local, state and

     federal agencies.

37.Use public relations techniques to explain school programs to the community.

38.Inform school personnel about available community resources.

39.Represent SASED on appropriate committees.

40.Work with school, parents, and community personnel to accomplish joint goals.


41.Assist in the fiscal management of various cooperative programs  as requested by


42.Develop and/or select valid procedures for program evaluation.

43.Adhere to policies and procedures for handling funds.

44.Responsible for preparing current inventory lists of all SASED equipment, materials

     and supplies housed in Member District(s).

45.Plan for expenditures in terms of short and long range needs.

46.Provide leadership in evaluating designated programs.

47.Develop and/or select valid procedures for program evaluation.

48.Make effective use of research data to assess the program.

49.Maintain records of assessment results.

50.Revise program based on evaluation results.

51.Interpret strengths and weaknesses of programs as necessary.

52.Demonstrate professional ethics.

53.Maintain confidentiality.

54.Cooperate with other personnel to achieve goals.

55.Evidence commitment to both SASED needs and Member District(s) specific

     program needs.

56.Adhere to generally accepted standards of ethical behavior.

57.Plan and accomplish personal professional growth objectives.

58.Participate in professional meetings, workshops, and conferences.

59.Seek performance feedback.

60.Serve on committees and panels.

61.Serve as consultant to other groups.

62.Implement professional responsibilities.

63.Adhere to established regulations, policies, rules and laws.

64.Submit accurate reports promptly as requested.

65.Continue to update administrative requirements provided by the Administrative


66.Assist when needed with educational diagnostics when student is referred and

     request is made.

67.When necessary, assist in completing student’s learning environment or other case

     study components when student is referred.

68.Complete special request for observation of programs and individual students.

69.Interview and recommend assignments of candidates for SASED Member District(s)

     special education positions.

70.Perform other duties and assume other responsibilities as may be assigned by the






All SASED staff assigned to work in local districts within assigned Member District(s).








  1. Visit assigned classes on a regular basis, listen to teacher concerns, and provide


  1. Collect class lists and check teacher certification, eligibility, age ranges and class

     sizes.  Submit related plans to State Board as required.

  1. Share teaching ideas from one teacher to another (field trips, materials, techniques,

     behavior intervention programs).

  1. Inform teachers of materials available from companies, and other classrooms within

     the school system.

  1. Relay information between teachers and other support professionals as to

     effectiveness or recommendations made on evaluation reports and staffings.

  1. Keep the Director, Assistant Director, and Central Office staff informed of what is

     happening with programs and/or individual students as necessary.

  1. Talk to general education classroom teachers who have students with disabilities in

     their classes.  Provide sources of information on interventions for use with these


  1. Provide an opportunity for teachers to visit other classes.
  2. Participate in the updating of the curriculum system as requested by the Member


10.Assist teachers in developing effective lesson plans.

11.Participate in IEP’s, and Annual Reviews of students in local district programs within

     assigned Member District(s) as determined by local district superintendent.

12.Supervise and evaluate all SASED staff assigned to Member District(s).

13.Evaluate assigned SASED instructional programs.

14.Promote continuity of special education programs from one level to the next.

15.Provide inservice to special education teachers on an ongoing basis. 


Salary is commensurate with years of service.  Salary range is from 70,000-85,000

How to Apply

Please send letter of interest and resume to G. Reimnitz   reimnitz@sased.com

Email Address


Job Posting Date


Start Date
