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Director of Teaching and Learning
Director of Special Education
Data Assessment Coach
Director of Head Start
Director of Enrichment Program
 Director of Bilingual Program
Director of Math/Science/Technology
Magnet School Program
Bright Beginnings Program
First Taste Program
Grants Manager
Instructional Programs support staff
Responsible for the planning, development, articulation, and evaluation of all instructional programs; provides leadership for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all staff development activities; supervises the administration of the district-wide testing programs. Plans and evaluates the district's gifted program, bilingual programs and technology outcomes. Works with district principals to facilitate professional development and implementation of all district initiatives. Responsible for grant writing and supervision of grant implementation and oversees summer programs. Works with the Regional Office of Education on community initiatives, grants, and grant-funded programs.
The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction is responsible to the Superintendent of Schools. He/she works with the superintendent, central administrative staff, principals, and Curriculum Council to plan, implement, and evaluate all curriculum development activities. In addition, he/she works with the central office staff, principals, and program directors to plan, implement and evaluate all staff development and in-service training programs for certified and non-certified staff. He/she also works with the previously mentioned groups of administrators to plan and coordinate the work of the Curriculum Council, as well as any other district committees involved with curriculum planning and development. He/she monitors the activities of the Illinois State Board of Education relative to school improvement, NCLB, and curriculum mandates. He/She works closely with the central office staff and principals on special curriculum development projects, school improvement plans, restructuring plans, strategic plan, district improvement plan, Title I plan, and Technology Integration Plan and makes recommendations to the Board of Education for the adoption of new instructional materials and educational software, as well as appropriate technology to support the delivery of the curriculum in preschool through twelfth grade. He/she works with the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, central office staff, and Principals to monitor building schedules, course offerings, and classroom instruction at the PreK-12th grade levels. He/she seeks appropriate grants, develops proposals for submission, and monitors grant activities, and budgets once received. He/she seeks appropriate grants, develops proposals for submission, and monitors grant activities, and budgets once received. At the request of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, he/she serves on a team of central office administrators to interview prospective candidates for positions available in the School District. He/she represents the Instructional Programs Office at regular informal meetings with the Kankakee Federal of Teachers and the District Board of Education. 
The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction supervises the administration of the Title | grant in accordance with the guidelines set by the Board of Education, the Illinois State Board of Education, and the U.S. Department of Education.

Further, he/she, with the assistance of the Instructional Programs teams, makes periodic reports to the Board of Education and the Illinois State Board of Education as required regarding PBIS, SEL, Rtl, and any other new initiative.

The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction is responsible for overseeing all vocational-oriented programs and other programs related to other career paths.
1.         Provides leadership for the professional staff in all formal initiatives in curriculum
            improvement and development, staff development, and in-service training activities.
2.         Interprets curriculum and the delivery of the curriculum to parents and citizens of the
3.         Prepares grant applications and monitors the implementation of categorical and
            competitive State and Federal Programs.
4.         Coordinates the selection and adoption of all instructional materials, including textbooks,
            workbooks, and instructional software.
5.         Reviews federal and state laws and district policies related to student records and
            makes procedural recommendations as needed.
6.         Monitors budget revenues and expenditures of all programs assigned to the Office of
            Curriculum and Instruction.
7.         Meets regularly with Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents.
8.         Meets regularly with the Instructional Programs department.
9.         Works with national foundations to determine local projects and activities for which these
            foundations may have interest in funding and complete grant applications.
10.       Identifies, prepares, implements, and monitors competitive state and federal grants to
            enhance program development in all areas of responsibility.
 11.       Supervises the work of the Director of Teaching and Learning, Director of Math, Science
             and Technology, Director of Enrichment Programs, Director of Bilingual Program, Director of the Foster Grandparent Program, First Taste Program, Bright Beginnings
             Programs, Head Start, and Director of Special Education.
12.       Coordinates all vocational/technical and career awareness activities,
13.       Develops in cooperation with central administration staff, building administrators,
            Curriculum Council and teachers' curriculum guides for all courses offered at all grade levels.
14.       Oversees summer curriculum work.
15.       Works collaboratively with high school curriculum leadership, including department
            chairs, academy coordinators, and high school administration. 
16.       Plans, organizes, and implements District Strategic Plan.
17.       Oversees analysis of district data and the instructional and curricular impact.
18.       Assumes leadership role of Title I initiatives and mandates.
19.       Oversees the district libraries and the library improvement plans
20.       Oversees state-mandated programs such as RtI, SEL, and district-adopted programs
            such as PBIS etc.
21.       Oversees district progress monitoring which includes a selection of appropriate
            monitoring instruments, review of data, and determination of new services needed.
22.       Works collaboratively with special education to support co-teaching and implementation
            of grade-level curriculum and interventions.
23.       Approves all professional development requests, grant-funded part-time work, and
            grant-funded purchases for the district.
24.       Works with the Homeless Liaison to implement requirements of the McKinney-Vento
25.       Completes any other tasks assigned by the Superintendent.
Bright Beginnings
Bilingual Program
First Taste Program
Foster Grandparent Program
Gifted/Enrichment Program
Grant-funded Small Learning Communities (SLCs)
Head Start Program
Libraries & Library Grants - Illinois and Federal
School Improvement Plans/Restructuring Plans
Strategic Plan Summer Programs
Workbook Selection
Young Author's Program
All grant monitoring reports
 All grant summary reports
End of Year Department Report
Midyear Department Report
Strategic Plan Updates
Survey of Homeless Youth & Children of Homeless Family (ISBE 86-58)
Director of Teaching and Learning
 Director of Special Education
 Bright Beginnings Program Director
Head Start Program Director
 Foster Grandparent Director
 Director of Enrichment Programs
Director of Math, Science, and Technology
Director of Bilingual Program
First Taste staff Grants Manager
 Instructional Programs Support Staff
 Other staff as assigned by the Superintendent
12 months
Effective: 7/1/2024
Salary to be determined by the Board of Education
EVALUATION: Job performance will be evaluated in accordance with provisions established by the Superintendent of Schools.
[Job1.00] 5/9/00, 4/18/08, 10/26/10
Physical Ability: Tasks involve the regular and at times, sustained performance of moderately physically demanding work, typically involving some combination of climbing and balancing, stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling, and that may involve the lifting, carrying, pushing, and/or pulling of moderately heavy objects and materials (objects occasionally weigh up to 20-50 pounds).
Sensory Requirements: Some tasks require the ability to perceive and discriminate odors. Some tasks require the ability to perceive and discriminate tastes. Some tasks require oral communications ability. Most tasks require visual perception and discrimination.
Environmental Factors: Tasks are regularly performed with potential exposure to adverse environmental conditions, such as strong odors, wetness, humidity, machinery, and temperature.
Bloodborne Pathogens: OSHA guidelines 29 CFR 1910.1904 and 1030 are required by each employer who has employee(s) with potential occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Ability to ascend or descend ladders using feet and legs and/or hands and arms. Body agility is emphasized. (This factor is important if the amount and kind of climbing required is greater than that of ordinary motion).
Ability to maintain body equilibrium to prevent falling down when walking/standing, or crouching on narrow, slippery, or erratically moving surfaces. (This factor is important if the amount and kind of balancing exceeds that of ordinary motion).
Ability to bend body downward and forward by bending spine at the waist. (This factor is important if the position requires an amount of stooping greater than normal motion).
Ability to bend legs at the knees to come to a rest on the knee or knees.
 Ability to bend the body downward and forward by bending the leg and the spine.
Ability to extend hand(s) and/or arm(s) in any direction.
Ability to stand for prolonged periods of time.
Ability to move about on foot to accomplish assigned tasks, particularly for long
Ability to remain in a seated position for a prolonged period of time.
 Ability to use upper extremities to press against an object with steady force in order to thrust forward, downward, or outward.
Ability to raise objects of varying sizes and weights from a lower to a higher position or moving objects horizontally from position to position.
Ability to raise objects of varying sizes and weights from a lower to a higher position or moving objects horizontally from position to position. (This factor is important if it occurs to a considerable degree and requires the substantial use of the upper extremities and back muscles).
Ability to pick, pinch, type, or otherwise work, primarily with fingers rather than with the whole hand or arm, as in handling.
Ability to apply pressure to an object with the fingers and palms.
Ability to perceive attributes of objects, such as size, shape, temperature, or texture, by touching with the skin, particularly that of the fingertips.
Ability to express or exchange ideas by the means of spoken word. Those activities in which detailed or important spoken instructions must be conveyed to other workers accurately, loudly, or quickly
The ability to perceive speech and other environmental sounds at normal loudness levels.
Acuity Visual:
The power to see at a level, which allows reading of numbers, text, and operation of equipment.
Acuity Motions:
Repetitive ability to move the wrists, hands, and/or fingers in a repetitive motion.



Effective 07/01/2024
12 Month Position

Minimum Qualifications: 
(1) Master’s Degree from an accredited educational institution.
(2) Certification in Educational Leadership, School Principal, or Professional School Principal.

Reports to Superintendent of Schools


Salary to be determined by the Board of Education

Job Posting Date


Start Date
