Welcome to the Illinois Education Job Bank℠ where you can Search Openings, Save Resumes, and Apply Online for FREE!



Duties will include planning, preparing and delivering Social Studies instruction to
students in grades 6-8 as well as one High School class of World History. The
successful candidate must have a firm grip on educational pedagogy and techniques.
The successful candidate will be able to put the needs of the students as the primary
focal point in the classroom. The successful candidate will have a firm grasp on
communicating with parents as partners in the educational process. Working well and
cooperating with other staff in the building is also essential.


Applicants should be properly licensed in the state of Illinois as an educator and hold all
required credentials.


Salary and benefits will be in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

How to Apply

Application packets should include a resume, a completed certified staff application
form from our website, a college transcript and an appropriate cover letter. These can
be mailed or emailed to cjanssen@spoonrivervalley.us.

Job Posting Date


Start Date
