To develop students' interest, abilities, talents and skills for artistic expression and creativity in the visual arts, as well as aesthetic understanding and appreciation by implementing district approved curriculum; documenting teaching and student progress/activities/outcomes; developing lesson plans; modeling the necessary skills to performing assigned tasks; providing a safe and optimal learning environment; and providing feedback to students, parents and administration regarding student progress, expectations, goals, etc.
Essential Functions
- Develops and administers school art curriculum consistent with school district goals and objectives.
- Develops lesson plans and instructional materials and translates lesson plans into learning experiences so as to best utilize the available time for art instruction.
- Teaches knowledge and skills in art, including crafts, drawing, painting, lettering, design, commercial art, art history, and three-dimensional art to secondary pupils, and other appropriate learning activities.
- Conducts ongoing assessment of student skills and learning in artistic techniques and expression, and modifies instructional methods to fit individual student's needs, including students with special needs; conducts individual and small group instruction as needed.
- Demonstrates techniques in activities such as drawing, painting, and modeling, using standard and teacher-prepared instructional aids.
- Develops instructional plans and organizes class time to provide a balanced program of instruction, demonstration, and working time.
- Evaluates each pupil's performance and growth in knowledge and aesthetic understandings, and prepares progress reports.
- Plans and presents art displays and exhibitions designed to exhibit pupils' work for the school and the community. May sponsor exhibits from outside.
- Organizes and maintains a system for accurate and complete record-keeping, grading, and reporting for all student activities, achievement and attendance as required by district procedures and applicable laws.
- Encourages parental involvement in students' education and ensures effective communication with students and parents.
- Ensures that student conduct conforms to the school's standards and school district policies, and establishes and maintains standards of pupil behavior needed to achieve a functional learning atmosphere in the classroom.
- Selects and requisitions appropriate books, art materials, instructional aids and other supplies and equipment and maintains inventory records.
How to Apply
Apply at https://www.applitrack.com/komarek94/onlineapp/