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The Business Manager serves as the Chief School Business Officer of the district to administer the business affairs of the district in such a way as to provide the best possible educational services with the financial resources available.  The Business Manager/Chief School Business Official reports directly to the Superintendent and supervises personnel in the Business Office. 
The Business Manager is directly responsible for the implementation of all Board of Education policies and administrative procedures as they relate to business and financial affairs and maintenance of the district.  The Business Manager also recommends any policy changes in this area.


  1. Fiscal Affairs:

Authority/Responsibility- Supervise all aspects of budget development, financial planning and implementation of expenditure plan.
      Representative Activities

  • Coordinates development and implementation of the annual budget development calendar
  • Assists building principal in developing building based budgets and provides regular counsel on fiscal and operation areas
  • Explores feasibility of using long-term funding for special projects, monitors bonded indebtedness and counsels the superintendent and Board of Education on referenda possibilities
  • Responsible for personnel and human resource operations
  • Responsible for all human resource insurance and medical benefits
  • Estimates revenue by local, state, and federal sources
  • Estimates total budget and recommends budge amounts in his areas of responsibility
  • Estimates the salary and benefits budget amounts
  • Assists the other administrators with development of expenditure budgets
  • Supervises a program of budget control
  • Supervises the development of month and annual financial reports
  • Submits all federal, state and local reports in a timely fashion
  • Consults with the Superintendent and other personnel on questions relating to the district's business affairs
  • Prepares estimated levy
  • Maintains all the financial records for the district
  • Evaluates the accounting system and effectiveness of internal control
  • Establishes procedures for record keeping and maintains all records that legal requirements demand
  • Prepares all legal advertising, bids and truth in taxation
  • Evaluates the business office procedures and make changes as educational needs shift and technological advances occur
  • Prepares and updates procedure manuals for the business operations
  • Authorizes the rental of school buildings
  • Prepares monthly financial reports for all programs administrators and the Board; highlight any permanent variances in revenues or expenditures
  • Investigates areas of operations through appropriate use of the internal audit process
  • Prepares the General State Aid Formula Claim and the Transportation Claim
  • Coordinates the submission of claims for Free Lunch and Breakfast Program, Gifted Education, Bilingual Education, Special Education and other State and federal categorical programs
  • Arranges and coordinates the preparation of the annual financial audit and any internal audit assignments requested by the Superintendent or the Board
  • Maintains liaison with the school's legal counsel, offices of the Proviso Township Treasurer, the Cook County Collector, and other local government officials
  • Works closely and cooperatively with independent auditors; notifies the Auditor of the State of the independent auditors contracted and supply copies of the audit to the State; notifies local media of completed audits and has the audit report available for the public
  • Ensures that the process operates in an economical manner, and in accordance with budget limitations, board policy and the State laws
  • Ensures accurate and timely payments of all legitimate accounts payable
  • Prepares required payment reports for Board approval
  • Monitors the bid and request for proposal process, acts as final negotiator for all supplier contracts, completes all purchase order and all contract requirements
  • Works with other administrators and architects in planning construction and contracting
  • Ensures that the payroll checks are issued to all district employees on a timely basis
  • Makes timely payments to employee withholdings to appropriate government and retirement systems
  • Oversees the efforts of the payroll coordinator in related matters


  1. Management and Operations:

Authority/Responsibility – Supervise and administer support services
      Representative Activities

  • Administers and oversee the food service program
  • Supervises the manager for the contract service provider
  • Directs the general operations and financial procedure of the food service program
  • Manages the free and reduced price federal lunch program component
  • Supervises the health and safety standards compliance of the food program
  • Periodically gathers market data and prevailing salaries and wages of school district employees
  • Provides necessary research for successful rate and salary administration
  • Plans and coordinates the development of statistical, financial and management information related to employee relations


  1. Personnel:

      Authority/Responsibility- Oversee Employee Benefit programs
            Representative Activities

  • Administers the employee medical and dental benefits, tax-sheltered and tax-exempt programs
  • Administers the life insurance and disability insurance programs
  • Administers employee retirement programs
  • Attends School Employee Loss Fund pool meetings and manages Worker Compensation program claims
  • Supervises the Flexible Spending medical account program
  • Represents the district's interests in student accident insurance program


  1. Special Projects:

      Authority/Responsibility- Manage special projects assigned by Superintendent
            Representative Activities

  • Manages the district's real estate and insurance programs
  • Prepares enrollment projections each fall
  • Tracks the EAV of construction projects and TIF Districts within the district
  • Assists in bond sale and referendum planning
  • Prepares enrollment projections and assists the superintendent in projecting staff requirements
  • Coordinates the referendum process
  • Participates in local, regional, state and nation professional/educational organizations to stay abreast of school operations
  • Works with commissioned architects in the construction and remodeling of facilities to ensure compliance with district requirements and economy, and implements professional procedures and results


  1. Purchasing:

Authority/Responsibility- Supervises the management of procurement of goods and services provided at the school site and District Office
      Representative Activities

  • Evaluates and monitors the district's purchasing program to ensure that supplies and services are procured in an economical and efficient manner within prescribed state and federal laws
  • Prepares purchase bids
  • Recommends to the Board of Education professional service contracts
  • Manages the inventory of fixed assets for the District
  • Administers food service contracts


  1. Technology:

Authority/Responsibility- Supervise the management of data processing information and coordinate the District's financial technology for the Business Office
      Representative Activities

  • Collaborates with Director of Technology to meet the data information needs of the District


  1. Transportation:

Authority/Responsibility- Directs and supervises the district's transportation system
      Representative Activities

  • Develops systems for reporting accidents, travel, and service information
  • Works with contracted service provider to develop bus routes and coordinates efforts to provide efficient services
  • Approves pay requests for services provided and contract modifications



  1. Masters Degree in School Business Administration or equivalent
  2. Type 75 certification with ISBE Certified School Business Official endorsement
  3. School business management experience, specifically in the area of accounting, budgeting, financial planning, purchasing, transportation services, food services and facility management
  4. Experience in the area of business operations such as risk management, insurance benefits, collective bargaining, employee benefits, workers compensation, retirement and disability




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