Provide psychological services to and on behalf of students who require psychological evaluation and assistance in
their educational or behavioral adjustment.
Performance Responsibilities:
• Screening of school enrollments to identify children who should be referred for individual study;
• Individual psychological examination and interpretation of those findings and recommendations which will lead
to meaningful educational experiences for the child;
• Counseling and performing psychological remedial measures as appropriate to the needs of students,
individually or in groups;
• Participating in parent education and the development of parent understanding;
• Consulting with teachers and other school personnel in relation to behavior management and learning
• Consulting in program development;
• Assist in the process of developing an educational climate conducive to the optimum development of all
• Conducts or participates in conferences and staffings on placement of students;
• Cooperates with community health and social welfare agencies;
• Assists with inservice training of district personnel;
• Attends appropriate staff, professional, and interagency meetings;
• Makes provision for being available to students and parents for education-related purposes beyond the
instructional day when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Nine month position with salary and hours to be established by the
Board of Education under the teacher’s salary schedule.
EVALUATION: Performance evaluations to be completed in accordance with Freeport Education
Association (FEA) contract.
This job description has been reviewed in accordance with the American Disabilities Act.
This job description was reviewed and agreed to by :
QUALIFICATIONS: Illinois Type 73 Certification with School Psychologist
Master’s Degree in psychology or educational psychology
with a specialization in school psychology.
Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find
appropriate and acceptable.
To be determined by the Board of Education
Link to District/Third Party Online Application Web Page