Welcome to the Illinois Education Job Bank℠ where you can Search Openings, Save Resumes, and Apply Online for FREE!

Employers: Post vacancies, customize online job applications and find candidates with ease and security!
With 965 Illinois school districts and other educational institutions subscribing to the Illinois Education Job Bank, the proof is in the numbers. Since 1999, the Illinois Education Job Bank has provided the opportunity for more than 50,000 vacancies and 49,000 profiles to be posted online.

First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Address 2
Zip Code
Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length.
School District / Private School / School Service Member
This information will be sent to the Job Bank℠ and forwarded to the Subscription Administrator associated with your school district, private school or firm for review and user setup.
Click here to indicate that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.

If you want to register for a Job Posting Account and your school district, private school or firm DOES NOT have a current Job Bank Subscription and you would like to register on their behalf, complete a Subscription Application and have your school district superintendent, private school administrator or IASA School Service member submit it for approval.

If you want to register for a Job Posting Account and you DON’T KNOW if your school district, private school or firm has a Job Bank Subscription, contact your school district administrator, private school administrator or IASA School Service member.

Still need help?
Contact the IASA Job Bank Administrator: jobbank@iasaedu.org or 217-753-2213.