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  • Experience in developing Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
  • Support school teams in using varied models and methods of assessment to identify strengths and needs,
    measure student progress, recommend intervention strategies, and evaluate outcomes
  • Develop individual, group, or system-level interventions, which improve or resolve the identified problems or
    concerns including academic, social/emotional/behavioral, and mental health needs as they relate to educational progress
  • Involvement in data analysis and evaluation, using data outcomes for implementing plans at an individual, group, or systems level
  • Comprehensive knowledge of special education, federal and state mandates, and rules and regulations
  • Participate in inter-disciplinary staffing to determine the eligibility, appropriate planning, and re-evaluation of students who require special education programs and services
  • Consult with school teams in developing appropriate transition plans, behavior plans, and homebound services
  • Collaborate with the MTSS team to recommend interventions and review data
  • Complete or review evaluations for special education eligibility
  • Knowledge of human learning processes, human developmental processes, diverse characteristics in individuals, psychopathology and influences on human behavior, and diverse family systems
  • Serve as LEA rep and facilitate IEP and 504 meetings and facilitate the development of 504 Plans
  • Maintain ongoing communication regarding students' needs, support plans, progress, and performance
  • Meet with parents/guardians to assess barriers to academic success and facilitate support
  • Communicate and collaborate regularly with staff, parents, families, and outside community service providers to determine the appropriate placement of students with disabilities
  • Maintain updated CEU’s for licensure renewal and completion of ongoing professional development in the field of school psychology
  • Perform other duties assigned by the Building/District Administration per district policies, practices, and procedures
    aligned to the contractual agreement and/or District Strategic Plan


  • Master’s Degree in School Psychology with PEL endorsement
  • Type 73 certification
  • Knowledge and expertise in diagnostic and curriculum-based assessments
  • Experience with Social Emotional Learning, Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions (PBIS)
  • Experience with pre-school screenings and diagnostic assessments for early childhood
  • Excellent communication skills including verbal, listening, and written along with interpersonal skills
  • High level of professionalism and ethics while maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information
  • Certificate of good health approved by a licensed physician
  • Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board of Education may find appropriate and acceptable 

Additional Notes

Terms of Employment:  Salary established and approved by the Board. 182-day contract. 

How to Apply


Link to District/Third Party Online Application Web Page


Job Posting Date


Start Date
