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Carry out all responsibilities associated with serving as the lead teacher for a Preschool for All Program.


Early Childhood Teacher Certification


Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement

Additional Notes

Germantown Elementary School is looking for an educator to add to our rockstar team of teachers for the 2025-26 school year.
Are you certified to teach early childhood education and passionate about giving young children a comfortable learning environment where they can grow socially, emotionally, and academically through play and exploration? If so, this is a great prospective job for you. This position can be structured in two different ways. For the candidate that prefers to work part-time only, this position entails teaching a morning Preschool for All Program. For the candidate that seeks full-time employment, this position combines teaching the morning Preschool for All Program with teaching K-4 RtI in the afternoon.
Why GES?
At GES, we foster a family atmosphere that embraces a team approach.
Faculty and staff are respected as professionals and are given the autonomy to innovatively carry out their roles.
Social emotional learning is a focal point in the district.
Student academic achievement is in the top 10% of schools statewide with no underperforming student groups.
Community support of the school is overwhelmingly positive.
We offer a Gold Circle of Quality PreK Program.
We are a fiscally responsible school district with the 5th lowest operating expense per pupil in the entire state of Illinois.
The district earned the highest financial profile designation of ‘Recognition’ for 19 consecutive years.
Our faculty/staff is given the freedom to dress casually every day of the school year. We work hard, have fun, and dress comfortably at GES.
The children of full-time school district employees have the opportunity to attend GES tuition-free.

How to Apply

Email Robin Becker at rbecker@ges60.org to express interest in the position.

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Job Posting Date


Start Date
