Glen Ellyn CCSD 89 is seeking a Math Teacher experienced in the areas of middle school mathematics, preferably algebra, for our 7th and 8th grade learners. This is a full-time position for the 2025-2026 academic year with excellent salary and employment benefits.
Job Summary:
The middle school math teacher is responsible for understanding the progression of the common core math standards in the middle school years. Knowledge about how learners progress from concrete to abstract thinking and learn to apply mathematical reasoning is critical. The candidate should have strategies for differentiating curriculum to meet the needs of all learners, strategies for encouraging a growth mindset, and a personal belief that all students can succeed in math. The teacher should possess a strong desire to be a contributing member of a professional learning community.
All applicants for this position are required to meet certification requirements that include a Bachelor's degree and Illinois certification as a teacher in middle schools. Experience with middle school students preferred with a middle school math/algebra endorsement preferred. Excellent problem solving and human relations skills are required. EL endorsement desired.
Generous Salary Schedule and Benefits (including but not limited to 90% Board paid Employee Health Insurance and 100% Board paid Employee Dental)
How to Apply
For external candidates, applications are considered complete when all required materials are submitted including the following: 1) an on-line application for middle school teaching - science, 2) a letter of interest in the position, 3) unofficial copies of all college and/or university transcripts, 4) three (3) recent letters of recommendation from past or current employment related to this position and 5) a current resume. The school district uses an on-line application that is available at www.ccsd89.org. All required documents should be attached to your on-line application. Inquiries should be addressed to the Glen Crest Middle School Principal.