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The Cissna Park CUSD 6 Board of Education is currently accepting applications for the position of Part-Time Speech-Language Pathologist for the 2025-2026 school year. The position will be 30 hours per week (.75 FTE).


Professional Educators License (PEL) issued by ISBE with appropriate endorsement


The individual employed will be placed on the appropriate place on the salary schedule within the current collective bargaining agreement (CBA) but will earn a minimum salary equaling 75 percent of the appropriate salary placement with a minimum amount equaling $28,988 and the district paying the full employee's contribution into the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) equaling 9.89% of salary and paying the full individual health benefit currently equaling $906 per month through the Illinois Educators Risk Management Program (carrier Blue Cross Blue Shield).

How to Apply

Qualified individuals should apply by submitting a letter of interest, resume, unofficial copies of college/university transcripts, and proof of PEL to: Dr. Daniel Hylbert, Superintendent; 511 N. 2nd Street; Cissna Park, IL 60924. Application materials may also be emailed to dan.hylbert@cpschool.org.

Job Posting Date


Application Deadline


Start Date
