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  • Conduct extensive psychological examinations of referred students.
  • Attend Domain/Eligibility Review (ER) and/or Individual Education Plans (IEP), STAT/RtI meetings as appropriate.
  • Attends Problem Solving Team (PST) and/or Data Meetings as appropriate.
  • Ensure that student progress is evaluated on a regular, systematic basis and that findings are used in making decisions to improve student achievement.
  • Assist in ensuring that the special or adapted curriculum is responsive to students needs as well as in the development of programs.
  • Provide consultative services to school personnel and parents.
  • Address the needs of at-risk students with all staff.
  • Maintain a working knowledge of district curricula and instructional strategies.
  • Assist in monitoring the instructional process to ensure that program activities are aligned with desired outcomes.
  • Analyze outcomes and evaluate instructional support programs to recommend appropriate changes in purposes, designs, materials and implementation.
  • Provide ample time, resources, and materials to support Interns/Externs in accomplishing goals and collaborating on psychological evaluations.
  • Participate in parent teacher conferences upon request, regarding any student whether or not with special needs.
  • Serve as a resource regarding students with impairments for school personnel and conduct appropriate research.
  • Interpret diagnoses and school psychological services to teachers, parents, administration, other concerned personnel, and students.
  • Make recommendations on ways to assist a student in the RtI process before referred for a comprehensive case study evaluation.
  • Completes other duties as assigned by administration pertaining to the aforementioned position.


Valid Illinois State Board of Education Professional Educator License required

School Psychologist Pre-K through Age 22 Endorsement required


Please see the Professional Negotiated Agreement Here

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