The Southwestern Illinois CTE System is a Career and Technical Education consortium in Southwestern Illinois. The consortium serves eight high schools in St. Clair and Clinton County by securing federal and state grants to provide professional development and the materials needed to teach career and technical education courses and develop pathways to postsecondary success.
The Southwestern Illinois CTE System Board of Control is conducting a search for a Director to oversee the day-to-day operations of the System and aid member school districts in managing state and federal grants and support initiatives and programming related to career and technical education. The successful candidate will serve Belleville District #201, Cahokia District #187, Freeburg District #77, Lebanon District #9, Mascoutah District #19, O’Fallon District #203, and Wesclin District #3.
The objective is to perform all functions necessary to keep the Southwestern Illinois Career and Technical Education (#460) System compliant with all legal parameters and in adherence to all rules and expectations of the Education for Employment CTE System.
Professional Educator License with a Principal or General Administrative Endorsement
Endorsement in one of the CTE Career Pathways:
- Endorsement in one of the CTE Career Pathways other than Education and Training and have a minimum of 2,000 hours (one year) of employment outside of education in the area endorsement; or
- Endorsement in the CTE Career Pathway of Education and Training and have a minimum of 2,000 hours (one year) of employment in a related occupation and two years’ experience as an administrator, supervisor, or teacher and comparable experience in education, business, or industry.
The Southwestern Illinois CTE System Director role is a position with a total employment period up to 180 days. This role offers flexibility, allowing the employment term to be either full-time (180 days) or coupled with another appropriate part-time position to fulfill the 180-day requirement.
If full-time, the salary ranges from $75,000 to $125,000 based on experience and qualifications. The offer will also include a benefit package.
Additional Notes
Major Duties and Activities:
The System Board of Control shall, from time to time, define and provide for the scope and limit of the duties of the Director, his/her responsibilities, and his/her authority. The duties of the Director shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Promote and maintain orderly, efficient, and effective career and technical education programs
- Actively seek out new programs and products that integrate core academics & CTE
- Monitor federal and state legislation that pertains to CTE
- Identify new and/or supplemental grants that provide additional resources to schools in the Southwestern Illinois CTE System
- Inform Board of Control of, and when appropriate, participate in state-wide initiatives
- Ensure that the System functions and performs in accordance with those policies established in the Intergovernmental Agreement and Policy Manual adopted by the member school districts.
- Collaboration with the Board of Control:
- Prepare meeting agendas.
- Prepare monthly financial reports and monthly bill reports for each account.
- Communicate pertinent state and regional information to the Board as needed.
- Facilitate the activities of the Program Committee:
- Conduct and coordinate meetings as needed to ensure the efficient operation of the CTEI Consolidated Grant and System initiatives.
- Coordinate recommendations and information between the Board of Control and the Program Committee
- Communicate all relevant state and regional information to the committee.
- Administrative Services required to support the Southwestern Illinois CTE System:
- Comply with all budgetary legal requirements
- Complete and submit all state required approvals, plans, budgets, claims, audits, and other such reports.
- Comply with all State and Federal requirements for the CTEI Consolidated Application
- Coordinate the Illinois Student Course System in accordance with the guidelines set therein.
- Facilitate by working with member districts all reporting and planning for CTE course pathways and sequences
- Regional Activities:
- Coordinate region-wide activities that promote the development of career and technical education of students
- Coordinate, market and support career and technical education programs for students
- Develop, coordinate, and market career and technical education programs to the school and business communities
- Coordinate professional development programs for participating CTE teachers and Counselors
Perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Control.
How to Apply
Please submit letter of application and resume to the following:
Wesclin CUSD #3
Attn: Ms. Jennifer Filyaw, CTE System #460 Board Chair
699 Wesclin Road
Trenton, IL 62293