All Human Resources services for administrators, teachers, secretaries, instructional and non
instructional aides.
Plans and works with administrative staff to implement a program of Human Resources management. Works with Board of Education and administration to implement an affirmative action plan, particularly in the area of recruitment and hiring. Also, works with college and university administrators to place student teachers and interns with the School District. Works with School Board Attorney to negotiate all professional and para-professional contracts.
The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources is responsible to the Superintendent of Schools. He/she assists in the development of administrative and Human Resources policies for the district.
As part of the Human Resources service duties of this office, he/she plans a program of Human Resources management including: the computerization of all Human Resources records, the appraisal and evaluation of staff; works with the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction to plan and implement a staff development program for all teachers new to the district; makes recommendations on non-tenure teachers; develops recruiting procedures with an emphasis on the recruitment of minority candidates; makes recommendations for placement of all of the professional and non-professional staff; works with placement officials and Deans of the Schools of Education to recruit and place student teachers and interns with the district, and maintains a district web page listing vacancies in the district. He/she works with staff members in the development of Human Resources policy, fringe benefits, and salary negotiations.
Informational pamphlets and written reports are prepared by the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources to assist in the recruiting of applicants, to inform the public of Human Resources and administrative functions, to assist the district superintendent in making decisions, and to meet the requirements of agencies outside the school system. He participates in the development of inservice programs for all staff members.
- 1. Plans and makes studies of present and future Human Resources
- Recruit teachers who are best qualified with respect to interpersonal skills, training and experience. In the recruitment process there shall be a concentrated effort to recruit minority teachers. He/she will work with the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Programs and administrative team to screen and interview qualified applicants who will be interviewed by building administrators and teachers and recommended to Board of Education for employment.
- Coordinates the transfer, assignment, promotion, dismissal and retirement of Human Resources Cooperation with building principals and district directors.
- 4. Submits to the Superintendent a joint recommendation from the Principal and the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources regarding contracts for first and second year teachers, retirements, dismissals and Human Resources appointments which require Board
- 5. Coordinates the program of teacher evaluation with emphasis on the positive objectives of
improvement of instruction, and assists the principals in meeting their obligations in terms of written reports of observations and recommendations.
- 6. Receives and processes applications of administrators, teachers, teacher aides, and office
Human Resources; collects references and application forms, reviews transcripts, checks certification, verifies experience, verifies security checks, evaluates credentials and checks files for accuracy and completeness.
- 7. Prepares and maintains proper administrative records and reports pertaining to
administrators, teachers, teacher aides, and office Human Resources.
- 8. Processes requests for sabbatical leave and leaves of absence, administers Human Resources policies including sick leave, personal leave, and scholarship recommendations in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Board of Education
- 9. Presents4:o the Superintendent, after consultation with principals, supervisors, or department
heads, assignment of Human Resources involved in extra pay for extra services as provided in Board approved salary schedule.
- 10. Assists the Superintendent in developing administrative regulations in the Human Resources
- Prepares and keeps up-dated job descriptions of all staff positions.
- Works with School Attorney and coordinates negotiations for the following contracts: teachers and teacher aides. Also, assists the Superintendent in matters concerning negotiations.
- 13. Assists the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services with the negotiations of
custodians, food service, and maintenance contracts.
- Assists the Superintendent in resolving Human Resources grievances and disputes.
- Assists the Superintendent in the development of salary schedules and salary studies.
- Plans annual retirement dinner/luncheon.
- Plans new teacher workshop and induction program and reviews mentor/protegee matches.
- Works with Deans of Schools of Education of Illinois colleges and universities to recruit and assign student teachers and interns.
- Assists the Director of Food Service, Director of Maintenance, and Director of Head Start in
the development of Human Resources policies for their Human Resources.
- Submits necessary federal and state reports.
- Provides a list of qualified substitute teachers to the answering service.
- Assists other supervisors in finding temporary employees as needed.
- Plans, implements, and evaluates staff development programs for administrators.
- Assigns mentors to new administrators.
- Projects enrollment and staffing needs and balances class size as needed throughout the district.
- Supervises Health Clinic program and staff.
- Oversees the administration of all special education services and pupil services programs, including school health services, school psychology, and school social worker services as well as all services for preschoolers and their parents/guardians.
- Supervises the work of the Athletic Director including the selection of appropriately trained coaches.
- Completes any other tasks assigned from time to time by the
Additional Notes
Health Clinic
lnservice Training for Clerical Human Resources and Administrators
Mentors for New Teachers and Administrators
Negotiations- Employee (certified and para professional)
(assists with custodians, food service, and maintenance)
Staff Directory (district-wide)
Student Teachers and Internships
Substitute Teachers
Teachers' Handbook (ABC's of School Procedures)
District Teacher Aides Roster (ISBE 33-01) Health Clinic
Non-certified Staff Membership Reports (ISBE 85-33 & 32) Public District Fall Enrollment & Housing Report (ISBE 87-02) Reduction in Force Survey (ISBE 86-28)
Teacher Salary Study (ISBE 86-02) Teacher Service Record (ISBE 87-05)
Teacher Service Record Supplement: Unfilled Positions (ISBE 87-07)
Illinois Association of School Human Resources Administration (IASPA)
Illinois Association for School, College & University Staffing (IASCUS)
Director of Athletics
Principals - Upon the request of the Superintendent
Will make observations, assist with evaluations and make recommendations on both non-tenure and tenure staff members as needed.
Human Resources Personnel
Job performance will be evaluated in accordance with provisions established by the Superintendent of Schools