Warrensburg-Latham School District is seeking qualified applicants for the position of the district level Maintenance & Operations Director at Warrensburg-Latham CUSD #11 beginning in the fall of 2024 with an anticipated start date of October. We are looking for a candidate who has expertise and experience in managing a preventative maintenance program, directing widespread building operations, facilitating repairs/building projects/equipment/work orders/maintenance supplies, overseeing the safety of facilities, and supervising and training employees. Please see more details within the job description: Director of Maintenance & Operations .
Candidates must be able to communicate effectively, manage conflict, demonstrate good problem solving skills, and take initiative. Please see more details within the job description: Director of Maintenance & Operations .
The anticipated salary range for this position is $75,000-$85,000 based on experience. Benefits include vacation time, sick time, personal time, longevity pay per the Education Support Personnel Handbook, partial payment of health insurance, life insurance, and IMRF retirement benefits.
Additional Notes
Warrensburg-Latham CUSD #11 is a district of approximately 1000 students. The District Office/Superintendent's Office employs a full-time Director of Finance & Human Resources, full-time Bookkeeper, and District Office Administrative Assistant. The District Leadership Team is comprised of the Superintendent, Director of Finance & Human Resources, Transportation Director, Operations & Maintenance Director, IT Director, Food Service Director, High School Principal, Middle School Principal, Elementary School Principal, High School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, and Elementary Assistant Principal. We have an extremely supportive staff, school community, and school Board. Our district vision is "One Community, One District, One Family."
How to Apply
To apply submit the following:
-Completed non-certified job application
-Letter of interest
-Copies of valid transcripts
-Credentials to include at least three references with current contact information
Send a complete credential file including all documents above to:
Warrensburg-Latham School District
430 W. North St.
Warrensburg, IL 62573
Attn: Cheryl Warner, Superintendent
Link to District/Third Party Online Application Web Page