Due to retirement at the end of the 2024-2025 school year, Pecatonica CUSD #321 is seeking an exemplary High School Principal to lead our school of approximately 310 students. This key leadership position will be highly sought-after because of our supportive community, excellent academic track record, dedicated staff, and outstanding students.
The ideal High School Principal will possess and display integrity, fairness, be ethical, and have strong verbal and written communication skills. The new Principal will have in-depth curricular knowledge, prudent decision-making skills, and excellent listening skills. The candidate must work well with others and be an integral part to our leadership team within the district. The new High School Principal will begin their duties on July 1, 2025.
Performance Responsibilities:
1. Improvement of instruction:
A principal must:
1.1. Evaluate teachers' classroom performance.
1.2. Provide leadership in development, implementation, and evaluation of the instructional program.
1.3. Promote and Maintain positive building climate.
1.4. Evaluate student outcomes.
1.5. Plan staff development activities.
1.6. Interview and recommend teachers for employment.
1.7. Be responsible for orientation of new staff.
1.8. Conduct staff meetings for instruction and information.
2. Supervises special education programs of district pupils.
2.1. Learning disabilities
2.2. Speech correction
2.3. Behavior disordered
2.4. Resource
3. Organize services provided through cooperative agreements.
3.1. Career Tech
3.2. Winnebago County Special Education Coop
3.3. Winnebago/Durand/Pecatonica Coop
4. Schedule staff and student time to achieve the best educational program possible.
5. Maintain required student records.
5.1. Permanent academic
5.2. Temporary
5.3. Health
5.4. Accident
6. Coordinate the extracurricular programs.
6.1. Recommend persons for extracurricular positions.
6.2. Maintain a schedule of events in the office.
6.3. See that District 321 is represented at conference meetings.
6.4. Arrange for supervision of students at all events.
7. Prepare reports and supply data to various organizations.
8. Meet regularly with the Superintendent.
9. Seek to maintain a close working relationship with teachers, students, parents, and community members.
10. Administer the policies of the Board of Education
11. Supervise non-certified personnel in your building.
11 .1. Secretaries
11.2. Custodians
11.3. Cooks
11.4. Aides
12. Make recommendations to fill non-certified staff openings.
13. Plan for the requisition of teaching supplies and the inventory of school equipment.
14. Prepare the student handbook annually.
15. Regularly survey the building and grounds to eliminate unsafe conditions and report
to the superintendent of schools.
16. Maintain high standards of student conduct and enforce student discipline code.
17. Supervise the guidance program to enhance the individual growth.
18. Establish emergency procedures, for fire and natural disasters and hold necessary drills.
19. Attend necessary meetings of outside organizations
20. Assume responsibility for his/her own professional growth.
Valid Illinois Professional Educator License with appropriate administrative endorsement to be a Principal.
Appropriate Illinois credentials to evaluate certified staff.
Salary and benefits are determined by the Superintendent based on experience and credentials. This is a twelve month position with full health, dental, vision, $50,000 life insurance policy, Board paid TRS, with 20 vacation days, 14 sick days, and 2 personal days. The district pays for membership to professional associations.
Additional Notes
The district also has a Principal opening at the Middle School for next year due to a retirement. If you are interested in applying for both positions just indicate that in your letter of interest when sending in you application materials. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Carl B. Carlson, Superintendent.
How to Apply
Please email a letter of interest, updated resume, at least three current letters of reference, and copies of transcripts & licensure to Carl B. Carlson, Superintendent at email carlcarlson@pecschools.com.