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Agriculture teacher/FFA sponsor. Responsible for curriculum development with peers and other duties as assigned by the principal.

This position starts at the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year. Tuscola participates in the 3 Circles Grant.


Required Illinois Professional Educator License in Agriculture Education


Salary and benefits are offered per the negotiated collective bargaining agreement. 

Additional Notes

FFA sponsorship plays a large role in the position. For additional information, please email Mr. Justin Bozarth, TCHS Principal, at jbozarth@cusd301.org


How to Apply

Interested applicants should email a letter of application, resume, proof of certification, and credentials to:

Mr. Justin Bozarth, TCHS Principal, at jbozarth@cusd301.org 

Please put in the subject line: Agriculture Application

Job Posting Date


Start Date