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Assistant Jr. High Principal - Assist the Building Principal in providing leadership necessary to assure an educational environment which is safe, attractive, pleasant, and a productive place in which to work and learn.  Support the certified staff as they seek to meet the needs of each student.  Director of Activities will issue permits for the use of the buildings according to district policy. Responsible for entering event information onto a database scheduling program, communicate event information to administrative assistants, custodians and permit requester by phone.  Provide weekly and monthly reports of computerized scheduled events, maintain files and logging.  Supervise extracurricular activities as assigned and meet regularly with coaches and assist with the evaluations of head coaches and athletic programs.  Maintain athletic budgets, related inventories, and the care & upkeep of all athletic facilities.  Provide leadership and oversight of all co-curricular booster clubs.   



Type 75 Illinois License

How to Apply

The following documents should be submitted to the Superintendent's office. 

1.  Letter of Application

2.  Resume

3.  Job Application www.panaschools.com

4.  Letters of Reference

5.  Copy of Transcript(s)

6.  Proof of Licensure

Email or Mail to:

Jessica Miller

Pana Community Unit District #8

14 East Main Street - P.O. Box 377

Pana, IL  62557


Email Address


Job Posting Date


Start Date