The Business Manager/Chief School Business Official (CSBO) is responsible for overseeing all of the day-to-day financial affairs within the District. The Business Manager/CSBO must possess strong oral and written communication and interpersonal skills to work cooperatively with constituents, effectively supervise staff, and work collaboratively with all Administrators, the Superintendent, and the Board of Education as it relates to providing the best educational services within the school district budget.
Job Summary
Visible, accessible leadership with effective communication skills.
Proven skills in developing budgets, planning and implementing the levy process, executing contracts, and generating statistical and financial projections and analysis.
Supervision of all aspects of business, fiscal concerns, buildings and grounds, transportation, and food service.
Effective supervision of the financial affairs of the District, including managing of all funds and accounting/reporting procedures.
Effective oversight of the buildings and grounds.
Knowledge of insurance and benefits programs.
Ability to establish and maintain good rapport with community, students, and staff members.
Collaborative skills to work with all administrators, the Board of Education, staff, and community members.
Salary range: $120,000 - $145,000
How to Apply