Welcome to the Illinois Education Job Bank℠ where you can Search Openings, Save Resumes, and Apply Online for FREE!


  • Create a classroom environment of respect and caring and has appropriate interactions with students.
  • Establishes a culture of learning by setting high expectations for student learning and conveys the importance of learning.
  • Demonstrates effective management of classroom procedures and through smooth transitions, the establishment of classroom procedures, and effective organization of group work.
  • Communicates with students by giving clear directions and using appropriate language and vocabulary
  • Engages students in learning by planning lessons and activities that are appropriate to students.


  • Appropriate and current Professional Educators License
  • Training and/or experience with elementary students
  • Broad-based knowledge of curriculum, teaching methodologies and assessment, the State of Illinois Goals for Education and various media.



According to Teacher's contract

How to Apply

www.bsd2.org and go to the employment tab

Job Posting Date


Start Date
